I Love DJANGO and I feel DJANGO loves me too
The project is something I am very proud of. This is from some very early days of mine with Django. I developed this for recruitment of Web Enthusiasts` club NITK and voila I made into the club.
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My first project in DJANGO
I joined IEEE summer Internship, there I met Mahim Agrawal, one of my senior. I feel lucky that I met him .He was my first mentor and I learned a lot from him. This project was for removing the hastle of whatsApp spam messages in the college so that students can get hastle free information about club events.
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The project was developed for Microsoft Codefundo with one of my friend Shashank Jaiswal. A great experience where I realized that I enjoy Hackathons, developing something for long continous hours is fun.
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I with one of my senior developed an application for online treasure hunt as a part of ISTE, which almost 40 students of first years played. This was the second time when I was enjoying the traffic at something I developed. The first one being the pastebin which lot of my friends used to copy the code in our regular lab. Repo is private but I can share the code if you are interested.

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